How to upgrade sql step 551

How to Install Windows Server 2008 Step.
How to Install Windows Server 2008 Step.
How to upgrade sql step 551
How to upgrade sql step 551
Code 551
Microsoft SQL Server database repair tool.
How to determine the version and edition.
I have a SQL Server 2000 database that I would like to upgrade to SQL Server 2012 (running on a different server). I don't think there is a direct upgrade path, but

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How to recover suspend Microsoft SQL Server databases with Recovery Toolbox for SQL Server? How repair MDF file by use Microsoft SQL database recovery tool?
Installing Windows Server 2008 is pretty straightforward and is very much like installing Windows Vista, but I thought I'd list the necessary steps here for
DB2 SQL Error 501
Upgrade process from SQL Server 2000 to.
Describes how to determine which version of SQL Server is running. SQL-Articles